naboo and alderaanworld economic forum leadership program graduates

12,500 kilometers[8] One of Amidala's final projects, which continued under the reign of her successor, was the implementation of an ion pulse in Theed in case of future invasions. Decades later, the planet would again fight against tyranny, rising up against the military junta of the First Order during its war with Organa's Resistance. Points of interest Help us improve this article by referencing valid resource material. The exact number of moons in Naboo is currently unknown. "[27], Ow. The map would later be incorporated into The Rebel Files. Rotation period [1] In some cases, the monarch even assumed a ministerial portfolio. Black Tile, Modified 4 x 4 with Studs on Edge with Lego Star Wars Logo and Tantive IV Rebel Trooper Alderaan Pattern - Set 75011. . Typho and his rebel team fought him. However, the Alderaanian senator was defeated by Senator Sheev Palpatine, who represented the sovereign system of Naboo. Alderaan The new colonies contested the contract from its inception, believing its terms were unfair. We have their loyalty. [62] However, Naboo's internal politics were also interfered with by the new regime; while the people were still permitted to elect their monarchs, those who gained the office had little real power or influence. That year, the then-Supreme Chancellor of the Republic, Finis Valorum, was ousted from office, and Antilles was nominated for the position in the resulting election. [9] Despite this, certain Gungan navigators utilized time-honored trade routes through the planet's structure, which served as the most expedient avenues to reach other areas of the planet. 847 years ago, Naboo joined the Republic. As we attempt to form a new government, we hope we may rely on Naboo's support, counsel, and aid.Leia Organa, to Sosha Soruna, When news of Emperor Palpatine's death had spread across the galaxy after the Battle of Endor, an outpouring of joy occurred on Naboo, the inhabitants of which considered themselves free at last. [38], In 28 BBY,[source?] Despite his origins on the planet, Palpatine did not care at all for his homeworld and, following his death, Naboo was named a priority target for Operation: Cinder, a protocol that the Sith Lord had put in place to destroy Imperial worlds should they fail to protect their Emperor. Maybe Palpatine also put something in the suit to amplify that effect. Queen Breha notably owned a blue-and-bronze slash-sleeved dress that mirrored her planet's oceans and valleys. Parts of this article are no longer up to date. It must be earned. [9] At that time, the Republic was facing a secessionist crisis due to the existence of the Confederacy of Independent Systems led by Count Dooku, pushing the galaxy to the brink of war. [37] The planet was represented in the Galactic Senate by Senator Bail Antilles. [19] While the monarch worked for harmony on Alderaan,[4] the planet's dealings with the galaxy at large were entrusted to his or her consort (referred to as viceroy if male). The ultimate irony, for me, is that I'd have changed a NEW planet like Naboo to the pre-established Alderaan, but I'd change Anakin's home planet from Tatooine and into a new one. [3], Take a moment and look around this glorious city of yours. Also, the monarchy in Alderaan works as such: there are no terms of office. former queen of Naboo Senator Padm Amidala and her entourage were invited to Alderaan by Queen Breha and stayed at the royal palace for a week before returning home to Naboo. When she became the queen of Naboo, she adopted a new regnal name to replace her own. Senator Padm Amidala and Representative Jar Jar Binks worked together to represent the interests of the Naboo and Gungans respectively in the Galactic Senate. The Alderaaian monarch was expected to wear braids. The Name Day ceremony usually took place of the day of the child's birth but in the case of adoption it usually took place a few days after at which point they would officially be considered a prince or princess and member of the royal family. For collectors, rare bottles of the alcoholic beverage Toniray would become a highly-prized commodity.[22]. [59] The people of Naboo celebrated this event during the Festival of Light. The Alderaanians risked losing their seat in the Imperial Senate among other Imperial sanctions. Mace Windu. [49], On Coruscant, the Empire's planetary capital, the numerous Alderaanian residents of Level 3204 began to hold vigils for those who had perished in what they called "the Disaster." ""I am Princess Leia of the royal House of Organa, future queen of Alderaan, and I demand to speak to your leader, now.An early rebel soldier and Leia Organa. Wookieepedia is a FANDOM Movies Community. Their heiress Princess Leia was variously addressed as "Your Highness," "Princess Leia (Organa) of Alderaan," "Princess Leia," or just "Princess." Monarchy[9] 8. Major imports [11] created by fashion designer Delva Racine. Organa was taken prisoner by Vader, the Emperor's second-in-command, and brought before the Death Star's commanding officer, Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin. Her injuries almost killed her; she was only saved by the quick action of the guards watching from a distance. Senator Palpatine, Naboo's galactic representative, debated the issue in the Congress of the Republic, but to little avail. Bail and Breha met their end together on Alderaan at the hands of the Death Star. Ostensibly done in protest over proposed taxation of formerly free trade routes, the Federation's invasion led to an outpouring of support from the Senate for both Palpatine and the newly-elected Queen of Naboo, Padm Amidala. Amidala led a successful resistance movement and removed the Federation from her world during the Battle of Naboo. Naboo and Alderaan may. The Alderaanian monarchy was the hereditary monarchy of the planet Alderaan. Returning to the Jedi Order, Sy became a Jedi Knight and Talisola's master. The decision to install the pulse, whilst meeting with general approval, was nevertheless controversial as some, such as Quarsh Panaka, favored the idea of more robust and extensive defenses whilst others felt that installing any weapon system was against everything Naboo stood for in terms of peace. Amidala guided her home planet through the invasion and sealed a new friendship with the Gungans. The Challenge of the Body traditionally was the heir climbing the famous Alderaanian mountain Appenza Peak, though they could bring along a companion if they wished. Physical information She would introduce herself as "Leia Organa, princess of Alderaan," "Princess Leia Organa of Alderaan," "Leia Organa, princess of the ruling house of Alderaan, heir to the crown," or "Princess Leia of the royal House of Organa, future queen of Alderaan. [9], Naboo's surface comprised a vast array of different landscapes, from rolling plains and grassy hills to swampy lakes[11] caused by the water-filled network of deep-sea tunnels. Bail Organa was a senator who represented the Alderaan system in the Galactic Senate of the Republic. But as we chart a bold course for the future, let us never forget our past.Sheev Palpatine, Approximately around 4000 BBY, Grizmallti people had discovered the planet, which they had named Nabu, after one of their principal deities. M-10[6] Naboo and Alderaan seem to be on a similar level with their respect for design and craftsmanship, and both planets have seemingly wealthy elites who reflect this. Palpatine subsequently rose to the office of the Supreme Chancellor of the Republic, with Amidala eventually taking his place as the planet's senatorial representative. [28], Queen Breha and Viceroy Bail would send aid to worlds that had been ravaged by the Separatists, sending not just money and supplies but also doctors, teachers, architects, builders, medics, and droids. [11] In the distant past, a cultural misunderstanding resulted in a serious quarrel between the Gungan and the human colonists. ""I want one hundred percent within eight hours, Lieutenant Gulin. They found the fact that the contract lacked an expiration date to be particularly objectionable. So in episode I, Palpatine is the senator from Alderaan and after hes elected as chancellor, there are no senators to take his place so he allows both Padme and Bail to serve in his place (I dunno. Black Tile, Modified 4 x 4 with Studs on Edge with Lego Star Wars Logo and Royal N-1 Starfighter Naboo Pilot Naboo Pattern. [9] The 2018 novel Thrawn: Alliances confirms that Naboo has three moons. For scenes shot in Naboo, one of the real-world locations included the Caserta Palace in Italy that doubled as the Queen Padme's palace in the capital city of Theed. After her fall Breha was officially invested as crown princess and heir to the throne of Alderaan. [9] Its surface had vast bodies of water[3] and was covered in snow-capped mountains,[9] with patches of green grassy hills. In Attack of the Clones, Mace Windu mentions "spice miners on the moons of Naboo. But at the same time I would have liked to have seen more of Alderaan. Author Darth Giacomo Date 28-May-2019, 10:08 PM Author Darth Giacomo Time 28-May-2019 10:08 PM Post link. By order of the EmperorNaboo is to be scouredGulin and Lerr Duvat, During the meeting, gigantic storms suddenly began to rage, and Naboo's orbital sensors were all jammed. [1], The first step was the Day of Demand, which took place sixteen years after the heir's original Name Day, on which the heir apparent carried the Rhindon Sword though the palace throne room, where they would speak the ritual dialogue and would publicly claim his or her right to the crown, before announcing three self-imposed challenges, that of the Body, that of the Mind, and that of the Heart. Moons I know I'm not the first person to suggest this, but really how much would changing that one word have connected the OT and the PT and made the emotional impact of each so much more? Before Alderaan met its tragic end, it was a galactic hub of art, culture, and freedom. Chapter 6: From the Desert Comes a Stranger, Join the Resistance: Attack on Starkiller Base, Star Wars: The Force Awakens Graphic Novel Adaptation, Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker: A Junior Novel, William Shakespeare's The Phantom of Menace: Star Wars Part the First, William Shakespeare's The Clone Army Attacketh: Star Wars Part the Second, William Shakespeare's Tragedy of the Sith's Revenge: Star Wars Part the Third, LEGO Star Wars: Droid Tales Episodes I-III, From Trenches to Wrenches: The Roger Story, "Mystery of a Thousand Moons" Episode Guide , Galactic Backpacking, Part 2: Visiting Real-World Naboo, Nute Gunray - Trade Federation Viceroy (ROTS) -, Nute Gunray - Trade Federation Viceroy (TPM) -, Padm Amidala - Senator of Naboo (AOTC) -, Padm Amidala - Senator of Naboo (ROTS) -, Supreme Chancellor Palpatine - Galactic Republic -, Star Wars: Absolutely Everything You Need to Know, Star Wars: The Force Awakens: The Visual Dictionary, Star Wars Character Encyclopedia: Updated and Expanded, Guide to the Galaxy: Orto Plutonia and Pantora, Star Wars Propaganda: A History of Persuasive Art in the Galaxy, Entertainment Weekly's Ultimate Guide to Rogue One, Star Wars: Rogue One: The Ultimate Visual Guide, Databank A-Z: Jar Jar BinksB'omarr Order, Highlights of the Saga: Birth of an Empire, Weapons & Uniforms: The Gungan Grand Army, Highlights of the Saga: The Battle for Naboo, Highlights of the Saga: The Boonta Eve Classic, Weapons & Uniforms: Leaders of the Rebel Alliance, Weapons & Uniforms: The Supreme Chancellor of the Republic, Highlights of the Saga: The Battle of Geonosis, Droid Directory: R2-series Astromech Droids, Part 1, Star Wars Super Graphic: A Visual Guide to a Galaxy Far, Far Away, Star Wars: Absolutely Everything You Need to Know, Updated and Expanded, Forces of Destiny: Tales of Hope & Courage, Star Wars: Geektionary: The Galaxy from A - Z, Star Wars: The Last Jedi: The Visual Dictionary, Databank A-Z: Queen JamilliaJedi Temples. At some point during the Clone Wars, Alderaan hosted a conference concerned with aiding war refugees. During her reign, Queen Breha was properly heralded and referred to as "Her Majesty Breha Organa" or "Her Majesty Queen Breha," and addressed as "Your Majesty." [3], Under threat of destroying her planet, Leia gave a fake location of the rebel base to Tarkin, only for Tarkin to nevertheless destroy Alderaannoting that Dantooine was too remote for an "effective demonstration"[3]to punish the world for supporting the Rebellion,[48] hoping the annihilation of the entire world would make the rest of the galaxy fear Imperial retribution for supporting the Rebels. Why the hell was Naboo not Alderaan? Affiliation [16] The Empire defended the destruction of the planet to its military, claiming that its population had chosen its destruction by supporting anarchy. Under Loo's control, Lyonie ordered the Gungan Grand Army to march on the Naboo capital of Theed. [27], Due to the fact that Naboo had been the Emperor's homeworld, the planet became a rallying point for Imperial sympathizers. It doesn't matter whether or not Guyngans came from there, but keep in mind, we had conceptual art of Alderaan LONG ago. 0[5] [4] Because the monarchs of Alderaan proved loyal and compassionate to their people, regardless of their social background, they, in turn, enjoyed the loyalty and love of the Alderaanians. Padme and Bail Organa would be king and queen (elected so they wouldnt have to be married which would obviously ruin the whole idea.) [17], By the time of the conflict between the First Order and the Resistance, Leia Organa was still considered the last princess of Alderaan. As Leia's son, Ben would have been given the title of prince of Alderaan if the planet and the House of Organa had still existed when he was born. We'll deserve to lose it.Bail Organa, to his daughter Leia, The monarchy on Alderaan already existed a millennium before the rule of the Galactic Empire. Cookie Notice It had grasslands, mountains and large oceans. [22] It was traditional for the owner of the chest, upon coming of age, to give it to their parents as a sign that they were now an adult, although it was not mandatory. The Heir's Crown was decorated with jewels. For more information, please see our [9] Fish was an important food to the people of Naboo. Eventually, the Elders vanished as mysteriously as they arrived, leaving only stone statues behind. Naboo is a planet in the fictional Star Wars universe with a mostly green terrain and which is the homeworld of two societies: the Gungans who dwell in underwater cities and the humans who live in colonies on the surface. [31], The thrones of the Alderaanian monarch and their consort were golden and were kept in the throne room of the Royal Palace of Alderaan on a dais.[1]. [45], Naboo first appeared in the 1999 film Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace, the first installment of the Star Wars prequel trilogy. [1], The crown of Alderaan is not merely inherited. As such, surviving Alderaanians would be treated with great respect for their lost world and people. [51] The storms caused fires and flooding across the world, and many buildings were demolished. [71], Some twenty days after the Battle of Endorwhich resulted in the defeat of the Empire by the Alliance to Restore the Republicthe Royal House of Naboo received a visit by Princess Leia Organa of Alderaan, who had been sent by Mon Mothma, Chancellor of the Alliance. This failed, however, when he fought Kenobi and Skywalker. [1], A new member of the royal family would make their first public appearance on his or hers Name Day where the child's birth or adoption was officially announced in the palace throne room. [14] Led by Kwilaan, the colonists ventured into the Gallo Mountains, created a farming community at the Dee'ja Peak,[15] establishing their presence on the planet and eventually taking its name for themselves. With the taxation of trade routes in dispute, the Trade Federation set up a blockade of battleships around the star system, stopping all shipping to the planet. [11], Every child of Alderaan owned a keepsake chest whose designs would be carved by the child's parents and grandparents though the child themselves choose what went inside. Naboo imposed a contract on the colonists of these other planets, wherein Naboo would give the new colonies a loan to cover the start-up costs of colonization. Palpatine still tells Vader that Padme dies. However, they were stopped by one of their fellow bounty hunters, Rako Hardeen, who was really Obi-Wan Kenobi in disguise. [28] Famous natural landmarks of Alderaan included the Cloudshape Falls,[12] the Glarus Lagoons,[11] and the Isatabith rain forest. When the monarchy was established, its traditions involving the succession were also established, such as the heir's Day of Demand and their three challenges. [28], Alderaan's traditions called for the monarch to wear braids and Alderaan's monarchy tended to dress modestly, especially compared to the fatuous, bright garbs of the monarchs of Naboo. It was included in a map of the galaxy with a legend listing the various Alliance safe worlds, starfighter hubs at level five or higher, rebel operations sectors and regional headquarters, and shadow planets with deep space caches. Its assistanceyour assistance, Your Highnesswould be invaluable in leading the way to a restoration of the Senate. Star Wars: Leia, Princess of Alderaan is a Star Wars novel by Claudia Gray, published by Disney Lucasfilm Press on September 1, 2017, as part of the Journey to Star . The Zygerrian News implied that the two had gotten intoxicated in the cantina of Mos Eisley, which caused the accident. [12], A variety of grapevines grew on Alderaan, which notably allowed to produce Toniray[22] and emerald wine. Contents 1 Geography 2 History 2.1 Pre-Human period 2.2 Human colonization [1], The heir apparentwhose succession appeared certainwas not made Crown Prince or Crown Princess until the age of sixteen, or in the case of adoptive members on the sixteenth anniversary of their original Name Day, at which point he or she would have to undergo a series of rituals to prove their worth. Databank A-Z: Kyber CrystalsLaser Cannons, Highlights of the Saga: Escape from Utapau, Star Wars Encyclopedia of Starfighters and Other Vehicles, Solo: A Star Wars Story The Official Guide, Star Wars: Scum and Villainy: Case Files on the Galaxy's Most Notorious, Star Wars Character Encyclopedia, New Edition, The Death Star | Star Wars Galaxy of Adventures Fun Facts, Star Wars: How Not to Get Eaten by Ewoks and Other Galactic Survival Skills, Rebel Starfighters Owners' Workshop Manual, Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker: The Visual Dictionary, Weapons & Uniforms: Rebel Leaders at Yavin 4, Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge: Traveler's Guide to Batuu, The Battle of Hoth and the Second Death Star, Behind the Cameras: How the Death Star Was Created, Star Wars: The Mandalorian: Guide to Season One, Star Wars: Battles that Changed the Galaxy, Star Wars Droids Guide to a Galaxy Far, Far Away. [32], Upon the formation of its monarchy it was established that the heir apparent to Alderaan must complete a Challenge of the Heart, Challenge of the Mind and Challenge of the Body which would be announced on their Day of Demand and upon completion they would be officially invested as heir. Alderaan was regarded for its natural beauty, its tranquility, and the sophistication of its arts and culture. Flora 364 standard days[8] Wookieepedia is a FANDOM Movies Community. This article needs appropriate citations. Leia and Daln, the Queen of Naboo, are almost killed when Moff Quarsh Panaka is assassinated with a bomb. Orbital period [66] At that time, Sio Bibble had finally decided to retire from governorship over Naboo, setting the stage for an election that Sach was seemingly going to win. Population [69], Sab, former handmaiden of Padme Amidala, brought Darth Vader to Naboo in 3 ABY. Gungans live in beautiful submerged . Senator Organa had arranged for the crew of the Ghost to "steal" the ships from an Imperial depot on Lothal so that Alderaan could not be blamed for the "theft." The Imperials forced the princess to witness the obliteration of her home planet. Identity yourselves. [70], Very simply this, that Naboo represents the best of the Old Republic. Star Wars Adventures: Shadow of Vader's Castle, Star Wars: The Mandalorian Season 2 Junior Novel, Star Wars: The Force Awakens: A Junior Novel, Star Wars: The Last Jedi: Expanded Edition, Tales from Wild Space: Family Affair, Part 1, Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker: Expanded Edition, Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker: A Junior Novel, "Escape from Kadavo" The Clone Wars Episode Guide, Princess Leia Organa - Alderaan Senator -, Star Wars: Absolutely Everything You Need to Know, Star Wars: The Force Awakens: The Visual Dictionary, Star Wars Character Encyclopedia: Updated and Expanded, Star Wars: X-Wing Deluxe Book and Model Set, Star Wars Propaganda: A History of Persuasive Art in the Galaxy, Much to Learn You Still Have: 7 Things You Might Not Know About Sullustans, Entertainment Weekly's Ultimate Guide to Rogue One, Star Wars: Rogue One: The Ultimate Visual Guide, Weapons & Uniforms: Imperial High Command, Weapons & Uniforms: Leaders of the Rebel Alliance, Highlights of the Saga: The Capture of the, Droid Directory: 3PO-series Protocol Droids, Part 1, Droid Directory: 3PO-series Protocol Droids, Part 2, Star Wars Super Graphic: A Visual Guide to a Galaxy Far, Far Away, Star Wars: Absolutely Everything You Need to Know, Updated and Expanded, Star Wars: Geektionary: The Galaxy from A - Z. Aquilae, Utapau, and Ophuchi were also considered as names for worlds partially corresponding to Alderaan. While Sanandrassa favored isolationism, Amidala wanted to promote friendship with other planets in the Chommell sector, leading to her hosting a summit on Naboo. Its economy and environment were regarded to be far healthier than most worlds which had been subject to Imperial rule. ""It's true every day. [27] Many refugees from all over the Republic came to stay on Alderaan during the war to find their way again or to stay. [43], In 0 BBY,[46] shortly before the Battle of Scarif, and three weeks prior to the equinox festivities,[4] Senator Bail Organa headed towards Alderaan to tell their people that there would "be no peace,"[47] after the plans for the Death Star, a planet-killing Imperial superlaser, were discovered. The Separatists, the clone army, the secret Sith Lord pulling all the s. From Nal Hutta to Alderaan to Moraband, we pick out some other fascinating worlds the franchise should be exploring instead of Luke Skywalker's sandy home. [50], Under the orders of Vader, the Imperial Military was to "complete" the destruction of Alderaan by hunting any remaining Alderaanians. Due to the destruction of Alderaan Leia's mother, Breha Organa, couldn't attach the Rhindon Sword to her waist before Leia went to meet her husband though during the ceremony Leia felt as if her mother was attaching the sword and her father, Bail Organa, was kissing her on the cheek. To have seen more of Alderaan is not merely inherited of the Senate was! He fought Kenobi and Skywalker such, surviving Alderaanians would be treated with great for... Represents the best of the alcoholic beverage Toniray would become a highly-prized commodity. 22. Novel Thrawn: Alliances confirms that Naboo represents the best of the alcoholic Toniray... 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naboo and alderaan
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