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He was created by Goku Black and Future Zamasu in order to turn the tides around against Goku, Vegeta, and Future Trunks. Worship Me! As such, many of Fused Zamasu's attacks forced Vegito to dodge, which still caused considerable damage to the area from the sheer force of his blows. However, when compared to someone like Broly, Krillin stands absolutely no chance. Me, the beautiful, the sublime Me, the invincible, the almighty and divine All hail Zamasu.Fused Zamasu upon his birth in "Worship Me! But If It's Manga Zamasu tough lu. However, beneath his calm exterior, Fused Zamasu is just as unstable as his components, if not more so; according to Gowasu, this is the result of Zamasu's obsession and hatred with the contradiction between gods and mortals. Goku asks Zumasu to spar with him. This implies that any Zamasus not wearing a time ring would have been destroyed as well. The realization that all mortals should be destroyed. To the surprise of Goku, Fused Zamasu appears alongside the other Core Area Warriors and uses his telekinesis to retrieve Cumber, before he and the others teleport away. Worship Me! Through the Time Rift, Gohan, Piccolo, Pan (GT), Trunks (GT), Goku (GT), a young Future Trunks, Future Gohan, and Trunks: Xeno give him the energy to create the Sword of Hope, finishing Fused Zamasu once and for all. The Miraculous Power of Unyielding Warriors". Fused Zamasu goes along with Hearts to Sadala and when Hearts mentions going to the next Universe, Fused Zamasu warns him not to order him around. After meeting Goku in the anime, however, his views changed, radically, and his distrustful nature towards mortals only grew. Nothing more to it. Vegeta requests to take Black, believing that he couldn't be beaten by a fake Goku. Black mocks Vegeta, calling him the opening act before his fight with Goku. His now fragmented glass body is left in the Core Area, conscious but unable to move. Black slashes at Vegeta, who dodges it, but the slash creates a large rift in time itself. The two Goku Blacks turn Super Saiyan Ros and the battle begins. According to Gojiitaaf, one of the most reliable sources for Dragon Ball Super leaks , Zeno's arrival would be the result of Son Goku's request, after Zamasu's spirit makes one last . Goku and Vegeta return to the future with Future Trunks and Vegeta is the one to battle him, Black uses his Super Saiyan form to battle Super Saiyan 2 Vegeta, but proves to be outmatched. How was Zamasu defeated in Dragon Ball super? The Explosive Birth of a Merged Zamasu! The result was the . Black affirms that his path was already chosen and says nothing that Gowasu said could change it, and attempted to kill him, but is stopped by Goku and Vegeta. He serves as the main antagonist of the "Future" Trunks Saga of Dragon Ball Super. However, Beerus intercepts him and erases his existence afterwards, putting an almost instantaneous end to the once prodigious Supreme Kai apprentice. Gohan and "Future" Trunks! He then begins to sense for Future Trunks' ki, and spots Future Trunks about to leave in the time machine. Just wait, I'm going to become even stronger. He orders everyone to revere and praise him, calling himself "The Supreme God". Answer (1 of 4): Because his body was corrupted. Black "corrected" Goku and claimed he is Zamasu who switched bodies with Goku with a wish from the Super Dragon Balls but kept his heart and soul intact and killed the Goku in his old body. Even when the fusion ran out, the fact that the two Zamasus were the same person resulted in them rejecting this, resulting in a new combined state. In the Infinite History Saga DLC, Dabura changes history so that Goku Black and Zamasu gain a new ally in the form of Future Jiren. He holds an incredibly black and white . 1. As Super Saiyan, Black is able to fight on par with Vegeta until the prince uses his full Super Saiyan 2 power, gradually overwhelming Black. It's a clear stomp in favor of Zamasu. While it is possible to say Goku Black as "Wukong Black", the name uses katakana for "Goku" () rather than the hanzi/kanji (). Zamasu (in Japanese: ) is the main antagonist in the Future Trunks Arc of Dragon Ball Super. Fused Zamasu is defeated in the end. In the manga, however, Black faces off against Super Saiyan 2 Vegeta, becoming a Super Saiyan to fight him. SOS from the Future: A Dark New Enemy Appears! Coincidentally, Goku Black can be compared to, the Six-eared Macaque from the original Journey to the West, a character who took Wukong's appearance and having similar fighting style, similar to how Black took Goku's appearance (by stealing his body) and having a similar fighting style. During the time of the Timespace Tournament, Zamasu is summoned by Goku Black to act as his ally, the two decide to use the Timespace Rift for their own ends to exterminate mortals. Zamasu is silent and reluctantly accepts the situation when Gowasu repeatedly implores for a response from him. 4. He also resented the fact that he had lost to Goku. He then uses them again to become immortal. Black also shares the sense of determination of Goku from the unaltered main timeline within said universe, never letting up on a goal once he sets his mind on it, as he vowed to find Future Trunks after he escaped to the past. Although Future Trunks uses the energy of every living thing on Earth, Fused Zamasu tells him that both he and the Future Warrior are powerless against his divine justice. Later in the anime version, Zamasu re-appears in Universe 10 with Gowasu's tea, apparently calm despite the appearance of Goku, Beerus, Whis and Shin. Zamasu then attempts to finish off his opponent with his ki blade, but Vegito counters with one of his own. Even more, Zamasu decided to betray and kill his master to make use of Gowasu's power for his own goals. Zamasu was doing a decent fight against Goku, he was beaten pretty easy tho, still, SSJ2 Goku (Buu) is more powerful than SSJ2 Gohan (Cell) who defeated Cell with half his power. For other incarnations of Zamasu, see. The fusion heavily resembles Future Zamasu, yet supplemented with various traits of Goku Black, including Goku Black's height and build. Insulting the mortal, Zamasu attacks with Holy Wrath, which clashes with Trunks' Galick Gun. Unlike Future Zamasu, who views immortality as an ideal trait worthy of a god, Black openly stated his disinterest in such a power. Thanks to Trunks' efforts, his timeline avoided the Buu Saga, but a much more challenging threat emerged in the form of Zamasu, a villain from Universe 10 who took the body of Goku from a different timeline to become Goku Black.He ravaged the Earth and forced a group of rebels to join forces with Trunks. In the meantime, Goku, Trunks, and Vegeta use a time machine to return to the past, which Black later is able to sense as it departs, failing to catch them, with Future Zamasu insisting that they would return. He is able to survive Super Saiyan Blue Vegito's Final Kamehameha. Fused Zamasu then summons his comrades - four other Zamasus from other Timespace's - two of which are Goku Blacks. As Future Zamasu pursues Future Trunks and the others, Vegeta and Goku are held back by the illusionary clones created by the large rift, and Black mocks them as they are surrounded by the clones. In this form, Black's eyes are depicted the same as other Super Saiyans, and are the same color as a regular Super Saiyan's eyes, though in one piece of colored art they are drawn black. His defeat by your hands had then tipped the balance and we were able to overcome him." "But not forever," Piccolo stated. In the anime, Fused Zamasu was able to take on Future Trunks, Vegeta, and Goku all at once and separately and later held his own against Vegito when Zamasu after becoming corrupted. Zamasu is then intrigued to hear about how a mortal such as Goku was able to defeat the likes of Majin Buu - thus having powers greater than a God. Black effortlessly defeated Trunks but the Saiyan was able to escape with Mai when she blinded Black with a flash grenade. In the Broly movie, Gogeta fought against Broly and it was evident that there was a massive power difference between the two. Black says that they will be back and continues to fight Trunks. However, Future Trunks noted after Black and Goku's first fight in the past that Black was stronger in the future, meaning that Black wasn't using all of his power during his fight with Goku. Both stole the body of a main protagonist (with Baby possessing Vegeta). He is able to defeat Dyspo and God of Destruction Mode Top by battling them until they run out of power. Hope you all enjoy a nd subscribe-----Recording software: Bandicam ( Still, while we may reference him as a child version of one of the most famous anime heroes, it was the first series, and Goku wasn't referred to as such until the second series Dragon Ball Z depicted the character beyond his 20s, with his wife and kids. In the anime, he proved able to hold his own against Jiren, the strongest mortal in all the multiverse. Black attempts to resist its pull but is unable to. It was another day at the precinct. When Fused Zamasu used Light of Divine Justice, it caused his right arm to grow massive. Observing the Babarians with Gowasu, Zamasu views them as accomplishing goals with brute force and a disregard for laws or justice. He also shares Goku's sense of general independence, wishing to grow stronger through his own personal effort rather than taking shortcuts, despite his entire existence as Goku Black being a shortcut to power. However he was able to stay fused for the full hour, despite Super Saiyan Ros being a Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan form; with it's equivalent Super Saiyan Blue causing Vegito to defuse faster than originally estimated. Upon his arrival on Earth, he goes on a rampage, his first attack causing half of mankind to be wiped out. Soon, Black realizes Future Zamasu' flustering energy (Future Zamasu was sealed with the Evil Containment Wave, but the seal could not be complete and managed to escape, but at the cost of a tremendous amount of energy) and uses Instant Transmission to teleport towards Zamasu, with Goku and Vegeta in pursuit. Black and Zamasu then had no choice but to fuse into Fused Zamasu. An unknown number of mortals from several planets. In the manga version, Beerus and Whis head to see Zamasu and Gowasu without Goku or Shin. Trunks asks him why after previously trying to exterminate all mortals before, would he now team up with one but Zamasu refuses to answer him. Upon his wish being granted he decided to erase all personal ties to Goku's past by killing Goku and his family,[9] and took the name of Son Goku for himself. Thank you all, so very much. Additionally, due to being a mix of two of the same people, although at the same time contrasting in abilities, Fused Zamasu can experience mutations that can make him stronger. !Fused Zamasu bragging and showing off his newfound power in "Final Judgement? Later, while protecting the Universe Seed's development, he proved able to overwhelm the combined team of Goku, Vegeta, Future Trunks, Piccolo, and Android 17. Because of this, the resulting fusion cannot enter a normal form nor power down. Before being pulled into the portal, Black fires a Ki blast at Trunks' Time Machine, destroying it, effectively stranding Trunks in the past. In the anime, Zamasu is mentioned by Gowasu when he is thinking of members for Team Universe 10, saying that he shouldn't risk selecting someone reprehensible like Zamasu again. Future Trunks and Bulma are eventually intercepted by Black himself, leading to Bulma's death and their hideout's destruction. At the same time, he is not without arrogance and condescension towards those whom he views as beneath him and has no qualms about breaking rules or betraying his fellow Kais. The power coursing through me is exceptional, glorious, absolute. While this would normally cause a significant strain on the fusion's body and shorten his lifespan, the immortality from Future Zamasu, to an extent, eliminates this problem despite the "unstable" fusion affected by Goku Black (as his body isn't immortal). Showdown! As a mentor, he is able to use the following moves: Zamasu can be found near the dragon ball pedestal, just north a bit, standing on a lone hill. Beerus asks to see the Time Rings. As Goku laid defeated on the ground, Black and Zamasu revealed one of the reasons behind their plans, stating that Trunks was the one to blame, for traveling back and forward through time causing history to change. Before becoming an Apprentice Supreme Kai, Zamasu wore a lower Kai outfit, consisting of a black Manchu-style robe with a sash draped in front of him with the Kai symbol on his chest. Fused Zamasu is also able to singlehandedly overwhelm Goku and Vegeta, nearly crushing their hands simultaneously, and also nearly killing Super Saiyan Blue Vegeta in one blast. Future Trunks: Father, Goku, Y/n, Gohan. Technically a mortal never defeated Zamasu. Black then shrugs it off, stating that their plans were noble and righteous. Fused Zamasu remains in the Super Saiyan Ros form throughout all of his appearances in all Dragon Ball media, except as Infinite Zamasu in the anime. However, Fused Zamasu's will lived on, destroying his own physical body in the process to "cast away his mortal shell," only to be erased later by Future Zeno. Black then realizes that it was time travel and also seems to know Vegeta and the God of Destruction Beerus. When enraged at Goku's continued resistance, Fused Zamasu claims he will destroy the entire galaxy once the fight is over. While initially wearing his Supreme Kai attire, after his wish to switch bodies with the Saiyan was granted, he began wearing a dark grey vest, a long-sleeved black undershirt with a turtleneck, a red sash, black pants and pointy white boots. He wears the original present Gowasu's green Potara earrings on both ears and Supreme Kai's clothing that is nearly identical to Future Zamasu's, but with Goku Black's color-scheme, undershirt and red sash. Despite this, he acknowledged his lack of personal experience and was willing to diligently listen to his teacher Gowasu's words, to which he was a humble and level-headed man with just goals, as Gowasu noted by how well-balanced he would brew tea, implying that he was a just man. [2] When he gained his Gigantification form, Fused Zamasu was too slow to keep up with Vegito but withstood his Final Kamehameha without any visible damage, and also took a massive punch to the face, at which point Vegito defused and Fused Zamasu was able to defeat both Goku and Vegeta with one blow. Thanks to his new form, Black manages to hold an advantage over Vegeta and soon takes him down, and at the same time, Future Zamasu takes down Super Saiyan Goku. This bodiless entity had the face of Fused Zamasu patterned along its corrupting presence that was spreading across the multiverse and bleeding into the present timeline. Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection F: Future Trunks Special Edition, Feelings That Transcend Time: Trunks and Mai, Zamasu and Black The Duo's Mystery Deepens, never-seen before Super Saiyan transformation, revealing a new, large scythe variation of it. Goku then overpowers Zamasu, defeating him in battle. They also use the body of one of the protagonists (Vegeta in Baby's case, Goku in Black's case) and both end up doing evil things to an incarnation of Bulma (Baby infects Bulma with a Tuffle parasite turning her against Goku and the uninfected Z Fighters, while Black ends up killing Future Bulma). Zamasu was formerly the North Kai of Universe 10, and was a witness of the countless wars waged by humans. Otherwise, Goku Black's physical appearance in his regular Super Saiyan form is completely identical to Goku's appearance as a Super Saiyan. He also did not agree with how the Kais would not be more directly involved in mortals' actions, like the Gods of Destruction. It's about time Saiyan. 1) Gogeta vs. Janemba. Because of their deeds, they gained more sinister personalities and more destructive desire as a result: thus, destroying their race's good name (though it should be noted that evil. That yields deeper understanding. But while Zamasu was supposed to be defeated, he instead loses his physical body, and begins spreading out and covering the sky!" In Goku's misery, Goku will use the call-button Zeno gave him. Season-only. The two try and fight him individually in their Super Saiyan Blue forms, but find that they cannot defeat him. While wanting to face Goku's new power, Jiren interfered, overwhelming the rogue Kai. Goku Black and Zamasu, though they are technically the same person, have different identities. Fused Zamasu is defeated in the end. When Goku faces him he blows a hole through him, however, Fused Zamasu's immortality allows him to quickly regenerate - to which Fused Zamasu is overjoyed that his immortality is still completely intact following the fusion. Fused Zamasu Necessitated The Intervention Of An Actual God. It's super effective and sharply lowers your defense (lol). The Mutant Tuffle and the tyrannical Kai ultimately become the very thing they hated in their quest to vanquish the respective races they despised. By this time, he has 20 minutes left before defusing. In a gag panel in the manga, Zamasu originally attempted to trade bodies with Monaka. He also states that his actions are for the greater good of the universe, even crying at its thought, and metaphorically described his tears as purifying the world. In the manga, Fused Zamasu defuses after his hour is up, however, the immortality of Future Zamasu will not allow them to separate and he and Black are stuck in a deformed half fused state. He was also shocked and angered to see Goku so calmly wielding the power of Ultra Instinct. However, Mai saves Trunks by throwing a flash grenade at Black and then they both quickly escaped. Upon returning to Future Trunks' time, he collapses from his injuries after his fight with Goku before regaining his composure. Fused Zamasu rises from the rubble and proclaims that Goku's overconfidence is a weakness and he will defeat him. If Beerus destroyed Zamasu in the present, how is there a Zamasu in Future Trunks' timeline? Upon his birth, he declares his new form to be the embodiment of justice and the world. Dragon Ball Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. Zamasu then asks him if the mortals are worth their protection, due to their past mistakes. At first, Black refers to himself with the formal pronoun. In this form Fused Zamasu is capable of utilizing his Halo for numerous purposes, but its primary function is defense - though it can be destroyed by a powerful attack and when this happens Fused Zamasu reverts to his normal Super Saiyan Ros form. When Future Mai and some resistance members attacked Black at their cabin, Trunks appeared just in time to save them, and the fight continued, and despite gaining the upper hand early on, Black and Future Zamasu defeated Trunks, and Goku and Vegeta soon returned to the future timeline, with the Evil Containment Wave to seal away Future Zamasu, but Black broke the Mafuba when he destroyed the time machine. According to the Dragon Ball Super rival danger scale, Super Saiyan Ros Fused Zamasu ranks as a twelve out of twelve, with it noting that he is so strong that others cannot even approach him. Black with a flash grenade at Black and then they both quickly escaped s Super effective and sharply lowers defense! S manga Zamasu tough lu then overpowers Zamasu, defeating him in battle then... Trade bodies with Monaka lowers your defense ( lol ) of Universe 10, and was massive. Two Goku Blacks Supreme God '' Mutant Tuffle and the God of Destruction Beerus,... 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